Little Update + Dear Diary #3
Ok, so obviously the Corona Virus has taken over our lives, but personally, I'm very sick of hearing about it. I can't go on any Social Media or TV platform or even talk to anyone without it being mentioned. I totally understand the importance of knowledge, but I need a break from this talk. So, I'm not going to say another word about it :) Quick life update! So, as mentioned before I am moving back to my hometown in a little more than a month. I feel excited yet anxious as I tend to overthink everything and don't want to make the wrong decision. The only thing I have holding me back in Fort Myers is my job, and though I have a new store to transfer to, my work people are my family. & the hardest part of moving is leaving them. Other than that, BYE FORT MYERS I WON'T MISS YOU AT ALL. I have been a crazy little ball of stress the past few weeks as I am in the middle of buying a house :-) It's exciting but so. dang. stressful. So until April 27t...