
Showing posts from March, 2020

Little Update + Dear Diary #3

Ok, so obviously the Corona Virus has taken over our lives, but personally, I'm very sick of hearing about it. I can't go on any Social Media or TV platform or even talk to anyone without it being mentioned. I totally understand the importance of knowledge, but I need a break from this talk. So, I'm not going to say another word about it :) Quick life update! So, as mentioned before I am moving back to my hometown in a little more than a month. I feel excited yet anxious as I tend to overthink everything and don't want to make the wrong decision. The only thing I have holding me back in Fort Myers is my job, and though I have a new store to transfer to, my work people are my family. & the hardest part of moving is leaving them. Other than that, BYE FORT MYERS I WON'T MISS YOU AT ALL.  I have been a crazy little ball of stress the past few weeks as I am in the middle of buying a house :-) It's exciting but so. dang. stressful. So until April 27t...

Dear Diary #2

May 29, 2017 "A year ago today I woke up in the Heartbreak Hotel wondering where I would be in a year from then. All together, I would impress myself, but today, specifically, I wouldn't be too thrilled.     A form of depression, hurt. Selfishness. I've been sad. Where's me? Why is everything getting to me? Where's God?    **** told me my priorities are out of whack & I thought they were just being mean, but they're right. Everything I do needs to be for God's glory, not mine.      (I go on to talk about how I was arguing with my parents at this time & felt really alone).      Work has been tough on me. My motivation kind of went away but I am determined to work out and eat better. That will make me feel better too.  ----Don't let the small things get to you." 03/12/2020 OK. Did I already mention that everything above is straight from my old journal? The only thing I changed was I took out some stuff...

Dear Diary...

Beautiful people, I decided that I wanted to start a new little series of blog posts. It seems like a crazy idea, but it's something raw, true and real life. I did a poll on my Instagram and I feel like this will go perfectly inline with the vast majority of what you all wanted from this page.  I used to be a BIG journal-er. It would get me through my all of my days. I wish I still did this everyday, but I guess that's kind of what my blog post has become. Anyways, my journal was basically my diary. It outlines my thoughts, what I was going through, how I was handling things. What I want to do is find a few journal entries I wrote, put them each in an individual blog post on here and dig deep and explain how I got through certain things. Maybe someone reading this has gone through something similar and needed that silent help.  *I will be changing names to respect the privacy of others, but the rest is straight from the notebook JOURNAL ENTRY 1:   NOVEMBER 7...

No, I Don't Feel Like Going Out Tonight.

I am not avoiding you, I just really don't want to go out. I work. I work a lot, I go to school, I barely have time for myself and so why do people get so weird about me turning down a night out? I'm at the point where I don't even get invited anymore because I always say no.  Is this something I need to change or are they in the wrong for getting upset with me? Eh. Kinda both. This, my friends can stem back to little peaks of depression. When we're depressed, having good days or bad, we don't want to do anything. When I first thought about this I didn't think depression was the culprit. Because I have been depressed, like really depressed before and it was more of a not want to get out of bed type of thing not so much just too tired to go out. But, I truly believe this phenomenon stems from it.  It's ok to turn down things. That is perfectly ok. Especially if it's something that you really don't enjoy. Or with a friend group you don...

So How do I Change?

A lot of times it can be easy to fall into the same routine of everyday life and kind of just go through the motions. Everything is fine so why switch it up (there's a whole post I wrote about change). But, now it's the question of HOW do we change and HOW do we make sure the change is a good change? Here's some things that I personally have done in my life that have provided an opportunity for a really good change and I really suggest trying these things. ➽ Throughout college I kind of just lived like my degree wouldn't matter. Like I knew I wouldn't find a job in my field and that I was going to stay at the job I had after anyways so why go and try for all of these great internships and job fairs?       I love the job I have now, but, senior year there was something inside of me that just said, "try." Try out some internship in your field to see if you like marketing and advertising in the real world. Try to build networks and connections. Try ...

Insecurity Break Down

"Get my back, not my face. I'm breaking out." We all have them, insecurities. It's crazy how much you can be told how beautiful you are, how fit you look, how funny you are, yet, we can still somehow find a way to hate these things about ourselves. How do we get past this? How do we find a way to make our mind actually believe what these people are saying? How do we not rip ourselves apart every single time we see a picture of ourselves or look at ourselves in the mirror? Well, it's not easy, and we're going on this journey to find self love together.  So, I'm going to get real vulnerable. This is pure truth and I am in no way looking for some type of pity party. BUT, here we go.  To be honest, I have always thought I had a pretty face. I never hated my face. I think mainly because it's something I can't control and so over the years I've learned to love it. You can't change genetics honey. I have some freckles that have always...