Little Update + Dear Diary #3

Ok, so obviously the Corona Virus has taken over our lives, but personally, I'm very sick of hearing about it. I can't go on any Social Media or TV platform or even talk to anyone without it being mentioned. I totally understand the importance of knowledge, but I need a break from this talk. So, I'm not going to say another word about it :)

Quick life update! So, as mentioned before I am moving back to my hometown in a little more than a month. I feel excited yet anxious as I tend to overthink everything and don't want to make the wrong decision. The only thing I have holding me back in Fort Myers is my job, and though I have a new store to transfer to, my work people are my family. & the hardest part of moving is leaving them. Other than that, BYE FORT MYERS I WON'T MISS YOU AT ALL. 

I have been a crazy little ball of stress the past few weeks as I am in the middle of buying a house :-) It's exciting but so. dang. stressful. So until April 27th when I (hopefully) close on my house I will be a nervous wreck praying that everything goes through. #adulting

A lot of things have been cancelled lately and I thought I would be more upset than I am but honestly God has given me patience and understanding through all of this so ya girl is taking it one day at a time. No graduation, no NYC trip, no Disney trip but I still feel blessed. It's a good feeling. Weird right? 

Anyways, I hope you all are doing well. I know we're all super bored so please feel free to reach out! I love talking to people so, talk to me peeps ;)

OK moving on. 

Here's another little journal entry from 2017.

-- Ok I actually really like this one; I challenge you all to ask yourselves the same question I asked myself. 

August 17, 2017

What do I need more of in my life?

ok. I see you. Wow, what a question. I feel like I need more of a lot of things. I need more laughter & smiles. More pumpkin spice lattes, more beach trips, more good times. More baking days. More dancing and singing. More friends. More life talks. More kindness. More Starbucks, caramel frappes & caramel macchiatos, with or without the non fat milk. I just need more things that bring me joy & happiness. But, I can do this. These things are so easy to get. Obviously I need more Jesus, but that's the easiest thing to get because He's always here. I am committing to doing more things that bring me joy. No more bad days. It's all smiles from here gal. 

I love this because it's so easy to just go through the motions and forget to do the things you really enjoy. Sometimes it's these little things that you love that make life exciting. Write down your list of what you need more of and commit to it. This list above was written 3 years ago and so some things have changed, but I know I still need more smiles and laughter etc. 
Sometimes God really opens my eyes when I start to take things for granted. The other day I was driving from Fort Myers to my parents house and saw not one, but two fatal accidents. One, a biker. My heat broke. I cried and cried as I drove & just felt heavy. But, it was something I needed to see because I was getting so wrapped up in the little things that I was forgetting to live in the present and be thankful for the life I had. Life is seriously so short. We don't write our future, so don't take any minute, second for granted. Just breathe, smile & enjoy the present. I'm still working on this myself... 


.... exhale...

Make each day your BISH


