So How do I Change?
A lot of times it can be easy to fall into the same routine of everyday life and kind of just go through the motions. Everything is fine so why switch it up (there's a whole post I wrote about change). But, now it's the question of HOW do we change and HOW do we make sure the change is a good change? Here's some things that I personally have done in my life that have provided an opportunity for a really good change and I really suggest trying these things.
➽ Throughout college I kind of just lived like my degree wouldn't matter. Like I knew I wouldn't find a job in my field and that I was going to stay at the job I had after anyways so why go and try for all of these great internships and job fairs?
I love the job I have now, but, senior year there was something inside of me that just said, "try." Try out some internship in your field to see if you like marketing and advertising in the real world. Try to build networks and connections. Try to reach out and do side work for people to build knowledge and experience. Just try.
And, so I did.
What I did was weird, and kind of crazy. I would write down a big list of smaller companies that I loved. I would then go online and find their email and email them saying that I was a senior in college and just wanted to gain some experience and would love to do any type of marketing work they had to offer. FOR FREE. A few brands replied, a lot didn't, but I gave it a shot. I've actually been working with one from my hometown! But, a lot of brands were impressed, some seemed annoyed, however, they recognize that name now. They've seen my email before so if there's ever a day when they have a position open for a real marketing job and I go to apply and someone recognizes my email, they can see that I really want that job. I have been trying for that job, and they have proof of that.
I also started applying for random internships and branding opportunities. When I first started, my resume was just sad. It was a two-page template designed resume and I was applying for internships. I now know why I never got an email back. (Side note: In case you didn't know, NEVER use a template or more than ONE PAGE when writing a resume. If anyone out there needs resume help, please message me. I got you.) After getting so many rejections, you would think that I would get discouraged. Well, I didn't. Until I applied at Gartner.
Yes, I applied for a job at Gartner. The firm that loves to hire FGCU students. I got declined! Ouch! AND I was referred to by an employee. Double ouch. I know now that it wasn't meant to be, but in the moment I was crushed. Not because I wanted the job so bad but because I had gotten rejected so. many. times. At first, I let this really get to me. But then, I turned it around and used it to make me better. Better at interviews, better at resume building, better at answering personal questions. And then, 3 months later, I literally got the internship of my dreams and if I never even tried in the first place, I wouldn't even have a chance.
➽A small one, but a kind of fun one. I changed my look. I got rid of 80% of my clothes and have been slowly rebuilding my wardrobe to things more "me." My old clothes were me 5 years ago. I have changed. My body has changed. I also changed my hair color. I went red. At the start of college I told myself I would never go red because that's the hair color boys like the least (that's literally how I felt in my mind). But, again, I went red. I wanted something different, bold, fun. So I did it. And it built my confidence up in a weird way. When I first got it done, I was so scared about what everyone would think. There were so many people who were always so quick to make comments about my new hair colors in the past, but what would their reactions be to RED? Not all were good, but each negative comment made me even happier I did it, because it made me stronger mentally. It taught me to not care so much about what others think. (So yes, if you were thinking about chopping your hair off and have those Pinterest pictures saved to your phone but you've been too afraid to make an appointment; this is your sign).
➽Another thing I've changed is my thinking. Turning negative thoughts into positive ones. This one has been a serious life changer for me, and has let me gain compassion in the strongest way. When people would cut me off while driving I used to get MAD. I would let it ruin my morning or evening or whatever it was. But, now, I think, "maybe they had a really rough day and their mind is somewhere else....maybe they are in a hurry because someone's in the hospital." Basically just giving people the benefit of the doubt. Yes, I know not everyone is a good person, but believing they are can really make a difference in your mindset. It's worked for me, and now I'm not so bitter towards people. Which, in my opinion is a good trait to have.
Moral of the story, it's good to make changes and put yourself in places you thought you'd never be (mentally and physically). Make positive changes and encourage others to do the same. Don't fear rejection and be confident in your decisions. You will achieve everything you put your mind to, so don't give up just because a little bit of change scares you. YOU GOT THIS.
Make good opportunities your BISH
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