Don't Make Your Friends Chase You
G O O D F R I E N D S A R E W O R T H I T . *Disclaimer: Photos in blog do not correlate with subtitles or words said in blog. All of my personal relationships are kept confidential so these are just some fun photos with friends :) * Friend breakups. They can be harder than breakups with your S.O. But, what makes this so tough? When you find a good friend, a best friend, they become your person. The one you tell literally everything to, who you can be 100% honest with and expect the same in return. You go to them for advice when it's a subject too weird to ask your family. You spend all of your down time with this person and one day, poof! They're gone. But why? Why does this happen so much? Does someone move away? Was there a big fallout that you can't forgive each other for? Did you simply just grow apart? Well, whatever the reason, swallow...